When we hear the word eclipse, we think of a unique and extraordinary event that will remain in our memories for a lifetime.
However, lunar eclipses are much more frequent than you might think. Every year, there are at least one or two of them, while in other ones, we may witness as many as five of these cosmic events.
During the lunar eclipses in 2022, the Moon takes on a distinctive reddish hue and brings important symbolic meaning to our lives. Read on to find out which lunar eclipses will occur this 2022 and what teachings will bring to our consciousness.
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What’s the astrological meaning of a Lunar Eclipse?
Lunar eclipses can only occur on Full Moon nights, a period of the month associated with fulfilment, harvesting, and closure of cycles.
However, when a lunar eclipse takes place, the results of the processes brought about by the Full Moon may be hidden or shrouded in mystery.
Lunar eclipses make things not quite what they seem, bringing emotional shocks or disruptive endings required to make way for a new beginning.
Keep in mind that any surprises or shifts brought about by the lunar eclipses may take a few days to manifest. This astrological event can cloud reality and make it confusing, either because we don’t fully understand it or because we refuse to see it.
But when the truth finally comes out, it could generate a considerable shock that will shake the foundations of your life.
The key is to understand that this shift is necessary to remove those things that do not foster your most authentic self and build a more solid structure.

Lunar Eclipses in 2022
During this year, we will witness two lunar eclipses in the Taurus-Scorpio axis, addressing issues related to power dynamics, material security, and the encounter with your deepest emotions.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
The first of these eclipses take place on May 16 during the Full Moon in Scorpio.
The Moon influences our emotions, and Scorpio is a water sign that touches our most intense and unrestrained ones. During this day, buried truths will come to light, prompting us to embrace our darker nature and one of the others.
Not all of us are ready to accept hidden agendas and suspicious activity, so this period can be incredibly unsettling, leading to a breakdown of your identity.
As the Sun will be in the steady sign of Taurus, we must learn to hold on to those parts of ourselves that are more down-to-earth to get through this crisis.
It may take you a while to pull yourself together, but it is better than sustaining processes that are not fertile. The solutions you devise will help you build a more powerful identity from scratch.
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
On November 8, the Eclipse in Taurus will take place, an event that could jeopardise our emotional security.
Taurus is a grounded earth sign that represents our material and practical security. Therefore, something we depended on blindly may no longer feel stable during this event. This experience can make us anxious, doubt, and even fear about our future.
Taurus influences our sense of structure, dependence, and certainty, but keep in mind that the Sun is in the opposite sign of Scorpio, prompting you to delve into the depths of your soul and undergo a complete transformation.
Crises may change your environment, relationships, circumstances, but they will never threaten the very core of your soul. Allow an emotional transformation to unfold, and you will no longer depend on the material securities that life has to offer.
Lunar eclipses are very transformative periods for each and every one of us. However, depending on how connected you are to your inner self, these eclipses will bring more significant or lesser shocks to your life.
If you have been following a path dictated by someone else during the last few months, or if you have stopped listening to your intuition to conform to external rules, then the truths that will come to light during these eclipses will be much more devastating.
But if you are committed to your journey of self-development and willing to find your life’s purpose, then the eclipses will simply help you remove those obstacles that stand in your way.
Don’t forget that the Cosmos is always on your side, urging you to be more courageous and take a chance on your authentic self and passion. Security blankets never last forever, and if they do, they turn into comfort zones that prevent the evolution of your soul.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis speaks of life and death, of the things that remain as they are rebuilt from all crises. If you insist on holding on to harmful conditions and interactions, you will never be able to build something solid in your life.
Likewise, if you cling to those relationships and circumstances just because they seem stable, you will never give yourself permission to discover new aspects of yourself.
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