June comes with a few astrological ups, twists, and turns that will both help and challenge all zodiac signs. On the one hand, Mercury returns direct to its ruling sign, Gemini, alleviating some of the confusions and misunderstandings typical of this retrograde season.

We welcome the Cancer season, which invites us to get in touch with our emotional roots and find our place in the world. At the same time, Venus enters the mutable sign of Gemini, making us more sociable and bringing pleasure in learning new skills and multi-tasking.

Below you can find the astrological June predictions for each zodiac sign.

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Horoscope For June 2022


March. 21-April. 19

The direct motion of Mercury and the Sun entering Gemini will clear up some minor problems, making you feel liberated and ready to face your month on a positive note. Saturn turns retrograde in your house of collective projects, inviting you to take responsibility for your past actions and question how disciplined you are in this area. 

It may be time to change the way you approach your creative ideas and humanitarian concerns and be more proactive in implementing them.


April. 20-May. 20

Your career path may experience a few setbacks this month, thanks to Saturn retrograde in your house of profession. However, this experience will force you to become more disciplined and commit to your values for future success. This will be very helpful as Venus, your ruling planet, joins the Sun in Gemini in your house of material resources, bringing positive news to your finances.

Match your actions to your unique mindset, and everything will work out well for you, Taurus.


May. 21-June. 21

Happy birthday, Gemini! The Sun, Venus, and Mercury in direct motion are transiting your zodiac sign this month, encouraging you to find more ways to increase your finances and relate to people that match your potential.

The spotlight will be turned on you, boosting your self-confidence and inviting you to take on a more assertive role in your life. Mars and Jupiter are transiting your house of career so that this whole combination can spell a more rewarding change of job position.


June. 22-July. 22

The Sun, Venus, and Mercury transit your house of spirituality, leading you to engage in meaningful periods of spiritual reflection. In addition, Mars and Jupiter are in your house of expansion and adventure, Cancer, motivating you to explore new philosophies and broaden your horizons.

Combined with Saturn retrograde in your house of the deep psyche, it may not be a very sociable month, Cancer. However, it will bring much self-reflection for your upcoming decisions.


July. 23-Aug. 22

The Sun, Mercury direct, and Venus are transiting your house of friendships in the sociable sign of Gemini, which brings a very fun energy to your June, Leo! However, your social interactions are likely to remain casual. Saturn goes retrograde in your house of relationships, making you reflect on your past love decisions.

Since Jupiter is in your house of the unconscious, take this opportunity to uncover what harmful unconscious mechanisms you bring into your relationships to heal them.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your career is going to take an unexpected turn this June, Virgo! Mercury goes direct in your house of profession, releasing any obstacles in your path to success. Best of all, it’s likely to generate good earnings due to Venus and the Sun conjunct this lively planet.

Be sure to structure your schedule according to this new position, as Saturn goes retrograde in your house of routine and work, so pay attention to your agenda!


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Are you looking for a taste of adventure, Libra? June strikes you with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury direct in Gemini, transiting your house of good fortune, travel, and expansion!

In addition, Jupiter and Mars are activating your house of daily routines, bringing a positive turnaround to your plans. It is an excellent month to plan a long-awaited trip, as conditions will be ripe for you to enjoy it to the fullest!


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

This is a month to dig into your innermost emotions and heal some wounds from the past, Scorpio. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury are illuminating your house of the unconscious in the chatty sign of Gemini, inviting you to put painful experiences into words.

Saturn retrogrades in your house of family, encouraging you to revisit your family roots and find answers to your suffering. In addition, Jupiter and Mars are in your house of creativity, so take an artistic approach to bring out all your repressed emotions and set them free.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your ruling sign, Jupiter, is conjunct assertive Mars in your family house, which could bring good news to your personal life. Furthermore, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury direct illuminate your house of relationships, providing a perfect setting for your love life to settle down finally.

You can expect a proposal, moving in with your partner, or any other change that will make your bond stronger.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your ruling planet, Saturn, goes retrograde in the house of your finances, forcing you to take a pause in this aspect and learn from your past mistakes.

If you encounter some setbacks, take them as an experience to help you move forward. Lean on your connections and the advice of fellow professionals to get you through this stage as Jupiter and Mars transit your house of communications.

The Sun, Venus, and Mercury illuminate your house of routine, inviting you to focus on the day-to-day details before worrying about the big picture.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Saturn goes retrograde in your sign, Aquarius, helping you polish your image and take a more disciplined and down-to-earth attitude.

This will help you land lucrative business opportunities since Jupiter and Mars are transiting your house of material resources. You can expect money, abundance, and fun to come your way as the Sun, Mercury, and Gemini transit the house of your passions and adventures.

Follow your heart with courage, and you can’t go wrong this month, Aquarius!


Feb. 19-March 20

Mars and Jupiter transit your sign, Pisces, making you more outgoing and welcoming new people into your life. This should brighten your personal life as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury transits Gemini in your domestic house.

There will be plenty of opportunities to invite friends over, chat with neighbours, and share a little of your private life with the people you love! A love relationship may finally settle down thanks to this more communicative approach to your social interactions, Pisces! Enjoy

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