Does anyone say Wednesday Cleanse? Yes, it is detox day and this means skin-clearing properties, digestive system healing, and effecting rapid weight loss. What does undergoing on a Wednesday clean detox actually entail? We put Belen to try it for a day, now that there are no excuses and social gatherings are banned for the foreseeable future.

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digestive system

We are not about extremes in any form nor do we support unrealistic body image. We believe in body positivity and inclusivity. We are women supporting women to meet their individual health and beauty goals.

Says Diana Bergen WCD founder.

What are the 3 main processes of the digestive system?

The digestive system has the main functions of the digestion of food absorption of nutrients, and elimination of solid food waste.

How do you clean out your digestive system?

The idea behind Wednesday Cleanse Day is to choose one the day of the week when to look after your digestive system, pop on a face-mask, watch something on Netflix, do some gentle stretches, relax and drink lots of water (which I’m sure you already are, as we’re all chasing that glow…). Diana and her team found Wednesday was their least busy day of the week, however, it can be done any other day.

As now more than ever, we’re trying to be as much support as possible with our Aussie creators, we didn’t want to miss Wednesday Cleanse Day their products are made locally in Melbourne, with the Australian woman in mind. Picture the image of a professional woman wanting to look and feel healthy whilst not having to deal with that FOMO sensation. She’s had enough juiced celery to last a lifetime and is ready for her tastebuds to try something a wee bit more exciting.

digestive system
digestive system

Wednesday Cleanse Day Review

I was lucky to try it myself, I prepare myself for a digestive system, and it was quite an experience for my body: I chose to do a full cleanse day but it’s up to you if you feel like just doing intermitting fasting for a few hours.

Here’s a list of the ingredients that make this a magic cleanse for your digestive system:

  1. Peppermint: Improves digestions and eliminates bloat
  2. Collagen Peptides: Strengthen hair and nails, and gives that goddess glow
  3. Psyllium Husk: Helps to stimulate bowel movements, adds much-needed fiber, and fills up the gut
  4. Green Tea: A powerful antioxidant that also stimulates weight loss
  5. Inulin: Feeds the good bacteria of the gut
  6. Watercress: Cleanses the blood and is a potent diuretic
  7. Organic Stevia: A natural sweetener which doesn’t fluctuate your bloody sugar levels like regular sugar
  8. Aloe Vera: Soothes the gut and reduces inflammation
  9. Beetroot: Detoxifies the liver and is a vital antioxidant
  10. Siberian Ginseng: Boosts energy and relieves stress

The first sachet is the easiest one to carry with, you feel fresh and light, don’t forget to drink loads of water between sachet and sachet; the second one I took it 2 hours after as a mid-morning snack, my appetite was still under control by that time and the freshness continue for a while more; then, we go into the 3rd one which will be equivalent to our lunch, my appetite was starting to slowly show up but after the tonic, I felt pretty full but the light at the same time, just trying to keep the water drinking some at is fullest.

After two hours I was starting feeling the lack of nutrients in my body and not as fresh as when I woke up the first time in the morning, the effect of the 4th sachet didn’t last for long but I tried to keep my mind busy and water was my best ally until I reached the last sachet of the day, I was feeling with no much energy but not as bad as I thought it was going to be, finally I lay in bed and wrap my WCD day.

The results were rapidly showing up on me, or that’s what I like to think, my belly was flatter and my skin was smoother, I felt super energized after my brekkie and got back to my normal routine.

digestive system
digestive system

My Digestive System Cleanse Veredict

I’d greatly advise you to add something more than detox water recipes if you don’t want to feel that lack of energy throughout the day. I’d recommend doing this once a month for the best results as with everything repetition is always key, but be always mindful with yourself start by getting to know your body and see how it reacts as we don’t want to mess up our health by trying so hard, remember that health is above everything, so be gentle with yourself, if you can’t keep the rhythm is fine just give yourself the permission of not achieving this goal.

I knew my body was going to be okay, because I used to do this kind of detox challenge a few years ago, but again I totally encourage to try it and see the detox results, you have your own power, the power of controlling your mind and set your own boundaries.

Digestive system

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