Welcome to your 2021 Horoscope! After the year that was it’s safe to say we’re all craving a little more hope, information, and guidance on what is to come this year! Don’t worry, we got you. Scroll through to your horoscope Australia to get your fix thanks to the help of the lovely Jaz Borri, an Empowerment Astrologer & Self Discovery Mentor which you can now follow at JB Haus and at @jazborri to keep learning more magical stuff daily.
Ps. be sure to check both your sun and rising sign if you know it!
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Horoscope Australia Dates

ARIES: March 21-April 19
If you’ve been holding back, it’s time to unleash! In 2021 it is time to prioritize stepping into leadership & figuring out how you can begin to change the world in your own unique way. Focus on getting your self worth high & finances in order this year so you can stand unwavering in your value. Don’t keep your plans to yourself – you are magnetic AF to finding, joining, or even creating a tribe of people who truly get you. People are looking for the light – so be it!

TAURUS: April 20-May 20
In 2021 you are being called to get clear on your life purpose & career trajectory because new beginnings are here too! In order for you to get this clarity and embrace the change, it’s going to take some deep self-inquiry first. Take the time to reflect on who you are & your identity and prioritize doing all the self-empowerment work necessary to make your dreams a reality.

GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
Get ready for a major uplevel and expansion in 2021 – you are no longer learning, you’re teaching now! Promotions, big adventures, and abundance are here. Getting in spiritual & soulful alignment will be paramount to this process so if you’re not already meditating, start now because finding the joy of the present moment will make all that you have coming to you even sweeter!

CANCER: June 21 – July 22
This is the year of deep healing, shadow work, and in turn, major transformation! Take a stock of the people around you – your friendships in particular. Assess & determine whether the circles in which you run are encouraging you to live in alignment with your truth or do they only keep you running from it? You are on the precipice of your next evolution, embrace the process – good, bad & ugly.

LEO: July 23 – August 22
2021 is the year of love, romance & relationships. It’s time to work on your boundaries, limitations, and expectations with others so you can call in a healthy, equal, and harmonious partnership. This goes for any and all of your professional/business relationships too! If your boss is demanding all your time, they simply gotta go because this year you’re learning the importance of work/life balance.

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22
This year you are being called to reassess your relationship to health, wellness & your body. It’s important that you’re not just counting calories and getting your workouts done, it’s time to create healthy habits & prioritize the simplicity of feeling good every day. Be sure to stay open-minded during this process as you will learn a lot from people, maybe even enroll in a course to learn more. It’s time to make happiness a habit in 2021!

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22
It’s time to let your hair down and HAVE SOME FUN. 2021 is all about prioritizing time for your passions, desires & play. When did you stop living in pursuit of pleasure? Is it a confidence thing? Be sure to dive to depths, connect with your inner child and heal all parts of you that tell you are undeserving of complete & unapologetic self-expression. 2021 is the year of self-love, creativity & following your heart’s unique desires.

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21
This year, you’re staying in. 2021 brings a beautiful opportunity to self-reflect, nurture yourself & spend time with those who make you feel safe, secure & relaxed. Taking stock of your relationships and focusing on the ones that make you feel at “home” will be a powerful practice. This year is all about getting intentional with where and with who you put your energy. It’s time to learn how to meet your own needs.

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21
In 2021, you’re more curious than ever, seeking to learn more, and ready to share your message with the world! Finding variety in your day to day routines, the work you do & how you contribute to your community is paramount in feeding all your new-found interests that this year brings. Enjoy this process of following your highest excitement and be sure to find ways to share everything you discover with us all!

CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19
2021 is bringing your relationship with money & self-worth center stage. Are you spending on the things that truly bring you joy? Or are you spending to fill a void? Connect back to your childhood dreams & innocence and begin to move in honor of those desires instead. Listen to your heart no matter how hard it may be and break down the limiting beliefs that stop you from experiencing pure joy to welcome abundance & prosperity in!

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18
In 2021 your focus is on self-discovery & empowerment! Truly finding yourself and learning how to embrace your individuality is most important this year. Take the time to go within and nurture yourself because it’s here that you’ll find your answers. Powerful new beginnings are available, all you have to do is cultivate the bravery to be your true self.

PISCES: February 19 – March 20
2021 is the time to get in alignment with your highest good & soul path. With this as your motivation, prioritise your spirituality & connection to your soul desires this year. Find a teacher, guide, or mentor to help you on this journey, follow your highest excitement and get creative with this process. Patience will be necessary to slow down and receive.
Words by Jaz Borri
Image: @lilmysticdesigns
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