Having a good and effective skin routine order is all about picking the right products, apply them at the right time, and of course, the right order so that’s why I want to share with you my go to skincare order step by step. essential beauty

I guess if you are reading this is because having a good essential beauty routine is important to you (and to me as well) so, whether you have five minutes or you have time for a whole skincare-solo-moment this is CF skin routine order to get better results.

Is there actually a right skin routine order to apply your products? 

The general guideline is thinnest to thickest, as it’s less about the products itself and more about the texture. Thinner formulas have smaller molecules, which penetrate easier if you apply them before thicker formulas which contain larger molecules, so basically, the biggest mistake we can make is that our products don’t absorb properly. 

Something that we should keep in mind when thinking about our skin routine order is, that no matter which layer you’re on, the most important thing is to make sure the ingredients that you are putting on work for your skin concerns. 

If you have oily skin, you should avoid heavy, occlusive products, like petrolatum. Luckily we have so many wonderful products in the market nowadays that can work for your skin type. Basically, retinol is a must for anti-aging, vitamin C is an essential brightener and dark spots and SPF is non-negotiable…

How long should I wait between layers? 

Around forty to sixty seconds between each product as waiting helps ingredients absorb better, also keep in mind that combining certain strong ingredients, like AHAs and retinol, can irritate your skin, so alter potential problem combinations throughout the days/week. 

But if you feel still confusing about your skin routine order a good rule to follow will be:



Start with your liquid formulas like a cleanser to wash your face morning (and night) as your first step, use your favourite cleanser, and avoid using your body towel to dry out your face. A muslin cloth is a great and gentle option. 


An essence or toner is a key post-cleanse step that will not only nourish, also it smoothes and pH balances your skin, allowing faster penetration for your next steps. 


During the day we should also use serums like Hyaluronic acid or Squalane for hydration and Vitamin C has it’s a star ingredient that helps with collagen production, brighten dark spots, pigmentation, and protects the skin from free radicals.


Go for the best moisturiser that suits your skin needs.


The key anti-aging product that we should never skip.



Remove your make-up with an oily base cleanser like this one from Go To Skincare, following with a gentle cleanse to finish to wash away all the rest of the grime. 

go to skincare
go to skincare go to skincare go to skincare go to skincare go to skincare go to skincare


At least twice a week put on your favourite face mask to give an extra T.L.C to your skin.


Night-time is very important to our skin as it regenerates itself during the sleeping time allowing a faster penetration for your skincare products, don’t forget to add toner in your skin routine order.


Do not combine these two ingredients as they both are very strong and can burn the skin and make it very sensitive.


Finish your routine with nourishing face oil. You really need an oil (non-synthetic or mineral as it’ll clog your pores) if you use retinols or other drying products. With oil, it all sinks right in and gives return moisture and life to your skin.