Co-Star, The Pattern, Planets in retrograde… If all these terms sound familiar to you, believe me, you’ll want to keep reading; if you haven’t heard about where to buy rose quartz, crystals and their meaning, gemstone shops and crystals healing them before, get comfy and enjoy the opening of what might be your lifesaver during such uncertain times as the ones we are undoubtedly living nowadays.
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It wasn’t until last year that I recently discovered my passion for all things crystals for healing, the zodiac and beyond, something that I’ve been really enjoying during these last months at home, it might sound cliché, but I feel more connected than ever within self since these little bougies are around me.
Below we are breaking out from How to choose your first crystals and stones to crystals and their properties and of course the best crystals store with the help of Stoned Crystals founder, Ashley Bellino. honestly can’t wait to jump into those crystals shops near me
Why should you get into crystals now?
We all know that creating a positive mindset and outlook can return positive life experiences. In much the same way, setting positive intentions with crystals is the best way to manifest the things you wish to attract into your life. Basically, each crystal has a set of qualities and properties.
At Stoned Crystals, they look to Crystals as a physical symbol or reminder of the type of person you strive to be or the things you wish to manifest in your life. However, if you find yourself not energetically or spiritually subscribing to the power of crystals, they can still offer benefits in other ways. For example, rolling these shapes around in your hands or gazing deep into a crystal can provide a momentary distraction from the stresses of life, and what it’s called a ‘mindful moment’, encouraging you to pause, focus and take a few breaths.
The same way you would put plants in and around your home and can clearly see the connection and energy they omit; crystals also connect us to the natural elements of Mother Earth. They truly are Mother Earth’s natural sculptures. By using crystals as an aid during Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices, we are able to still the chatter of the mind and help to eliminate negative thought patterns.
What’s a good starting point if I’ve never had contact with crystals before?
When Ashley Bellino first started Stoned Crystals, one of the main objectives was to bring crystals to the mainstream and make it easier to understand them and to choose one’s very first crystal. Each crystal has different properties and energies associated with it, some are used to promote a sense of calm, while others are used for protection and grounding. As crystals emit vibrational frequencies, Ashley encourages customers to feel this connection and choose a crystal that resonates with them on a mental, emotional, or spiritual level.
If you’re into crystals as much as I do, you’ll probably have heard that ‘The crystal chooses you’. Perhaps something about the color of the stone appeals to you, the shape or formation, or often it is the imperfections that most catch our eye.
After selecting your first few crystals based upon their appearance, you may choose to read about the crystals and their properties to further understand why you may have been attracted to them on an energetic level.
What factors should I take into account when visiting crystals shops near me?
1. Crystals and their Properties
Each crystal has different energetic properties that explain what type of crystal it is and the symbolism behind them.
2. Crystal Formation
Crystals all form differently. They can be purchased either polished or raw. The polished ones are generally more sturdy and likely to be able to be exposed to water. While the raw ones are usually more delicate and often are more at risk of erosion.
Expert tip: Always Google a crystal and whether it is okay to be exposed to either sunlight or water before putting it somewhere amongst the elements.
3. Crystal Chakra Point
Each crystal also resonates with a Chakra point. According to Yogic philosophy, our body contains many different energy centres called Chakras. Each Chakra develops and is associated with a different human need or stage of life development.
4. Crystal Placement
Decide where you want to put your crystals and stones. This will help determine what properties you might be looking for or which chakra points are most relevant. If they are to carry on you, Ashley Bellino recommends going for small tumble stones. Pick stones that symbolize qualities you would like to manifest within yourself and your life. However, if they are for a particular room in the house, for example, the entrance, she says that perhaps a protection stone would be good. You may want to ensure you are doing everything to keep the crystals working effectively and looking their best. You might put them in a windowsill and with some custom blinds to allow the perfect amount of light to shine on them. Or you might want to have them on a high shelf, where they can be seen. It’s up to you. Keep in mind that crystals that often irradiate calm are also great for the bedroom or living area.
In terms of styling, what are the main rules when placing a crystal around the home/office?
Whether you are styling a coffee table, dresser, or console, Ashley Bellino and her team have one simple 3 steps no-fail formula that seems to work every time.
Step 1
Choose one horizontal item or base for your display. This may be a tray or dish – my go-to is a stack of books, Ashley says.
Step 2
Choose one vertical item for height. Ashley’s fave is a vase with some flowers, and we cannot love it more. Ensure the vase’s height is not too tall, or else you’ll find the focus will be taken away from the last and most important item in Step 3 (your Crystal!).
Step 3
Add a Crystal! The Crystal acts as the bridging object between the ‘base’ and ‘height’ objects chosen in steps 1 and 2. This should be the most interesting item in the arrangement and will be your feature. This piece will add character to space and often guide the focus of attention within the room. Crystals are the perfect object for this: to bring a story and energy that will intuitively guide your room’s style choice.
Best Crystals Types
1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer
Amethyst Benefits:
- Relieves stress and strain
- Soothes irritability
- Balances mood swings.
It also calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory, and improving motivation. The Amethyst is, to sum up, a very powerful and protective stone. That promotes responsibility, self-worth, spiritual peace as well as meditation.
2. Rose Quartz

Most of you will know rose quartz as the stone of universal love.
Rose Quartz Benefits:
- It restores trust and harmony in relationships.
- Purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, and friendship
- Beautiful sleep
Rose Quartz may also be placed by the bed or in the relationship corner of the home to restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love.
It works also as a wonderful sleep crystal, providing beautiful dreams as well as preventing nightmares or night terrors.
3. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, as it aids concentration and unlocks memory. At the same time, it stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.
Clear Quartz Benefits:
- Clear Quartz is excellent for amplifying the energies of other stones or enhancing groups of stones
- Brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions.
Expert tip: Keep together with your favorite crystals to amp your crystals game!
4. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an excellent grounding crystal for meditation and healing.
Black Tourmaline Benefits:
- A powerful ally to help you to disconnect
- Helps to keep you clear from any toxic energies around you.
Ashley mentioned before the powerful alignment between chakras and crystals and the Black Tourmaline is an amazing example that will keep your root chakra ready and clear, meaning that you can bask in the brilliance of self-confidence, feel connected to those around you, and make decisions based on need, not fear.
5. Citrine

One of the CF team faves!
Citrine Benefits:
- Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity, and success.
- Stimulates the brain by strengthening the intellect
- Promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression.
For those boss babes like you and us, Citrine is particularly powerful, so keep in your sight when attempting business ventures with new clients or partners; Citrine can be an excellent tool to have on your home, whether in your living room or study room, to increase the flow of money-based energy around you.
A pure magnet for creative minds like yours, Citrine is a crystal replete with creative energy.
5 Online Stores you Can get your Crystals Now
1. Stoned Crystals
2. Amazon Australia
3. Sydney Crystals Cave
4. Pure Local
5. Unearthed Crystals
What are the 5 Best Crystals to add to your home?
1. Amethyst
2. Rose Quartz
3. Clear Quartz
4. Black Tourmaline
5. Citrine
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