As we move into cooler weather and with the added impact of the Coronavirus, keeping our immune system on the line has never been more important. Turmeric has been reported as one ingredient, which is being ‘bought up’ by people around the world, especially in Asian cultures looking to protect their health and immune system.
Turmeric comes from the root of a flowering plant of the ginger family and has been used medicinally for more than 4,500 years. Turmeric remains a staple treatment for skin conditions, digestive issues and bodily discomfort in Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian healing system still practised today.
Turmeric is an immune-boosting vegetable that can help fight the onset of colds and flu. It’s also naturally anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, reduces scarring and soothes and brightens inflammatory skin. We love TurmeriX because it’s a 100% Australian owned with a range of turmeric-based products including powders, supplements, hand cream and soap. They are all GMO-free, nut-free, gluten-free, suitable for vegans and dairy-free.

Importantly, the turmeric is sourced from biodynamic farms in the Kerala region of India, where local farmers and artisans have been mastering the production of turmeric for over 4000 years.
Keeping your health in check is essential to lead a fulfilling life at the top of your game.
It is an important time right now to focus on boosting your immune system. Without this system working optimally, you have no battlefield ready to fight the invaders that present.
We have spoke with Angela Cali, Naturopath and Founder of TumeriX and she gave us her top tips to boost your immune defences.
Let Food be the Medicine
Incorporate natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial herbs and spices daily in your diet.
Turmeric, garlic, clove, ginger, oregano, thyme, cinnamon and horseradish are shown to exhibit potent antibacterial properties against pathogenic organisms. These spices can be added to most dishes and add great flavour too! An easy way to get Turmeric into your diet is by taking TurmeriX capsules or using TurmeriX protein powder in your morning shake. This unique blend contains Plant Protein (Canadian Pea) combined with the TurmeriX X-Factor Blend including turmeric, cinnamon, coconut powder, the essential black pepper, green tea, kelp, fennel, vanilla, aniseed, caraway, ginger, clove, cardamon and more….

Fertilise the Soil
Our digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria. The ‘good’ bacteria provide a defence against the pathogenic organisms that cause us to be sick. To feed these friendly bacteria we need prebiotics, dietary fibres naturally found in food.
Some sources of prebiotics include; turmeric, artichokes, garlic, onion, leek, asparagus, banana, dandelion greens, chicory, konjac root, flaxseeds and oats.
Also eating fermented foods will feed the friendly bacteria, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha and natural yoghurt. This will increase and diversify ‘good’ bacteria in the gut, where our immune system resides.
Create a Robust Barrier
Our gut mucosa has 3 lines of defence against pathogenic organisms. When these barriers are broken down this leads to an invasion of unfriendly organisms.
A compromised gut barrier is linked to IBS, allergies and other inflammatory disorders. Therefore we need to tighten this barrier to avoid invasion and setting off an immune response. How? With collagen (grass-fed), bone broths, glutamine, slippery elm bark and zinc.

Specific probiotic strains, called “Superhero” strains restore order and perform unique functions, compared to the average ones in your microbiome.
LGG, SB and BB-12 are probiotic strains that enhance the function of the rest of your microbiome. Re-building this ecosystem improves your immune resilience to pathogenic invaders. You can also build the diversity of your microbiome by getting out in nature amongst the microbes in your environment; team sports, animal contact, playgrounds and gardening.
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