It’s no secret that our CF team loves drinking tea daily. Usually, you can find us sipping cups after cups all day long, in our desk, meetings, and of course enjoying its great benefits. Even more, since we found The Good Good tea!
The regular tea that you can easily find on the supermarket sometimes can be made of leaves covered in pesticides and wrapped in unnecessary packaging. However, these days you can choose to spend your $$ more consciously on fair trade and organic brands that foment better practices and care for its ingredients and planet like The Good Good.
The Good Good organic tea blends are specifically designed to boost your performance at work and bring you at the top of your game. There is a reason why they supply some of the largest corporations in Australia and the US!
What’s more, they are a certified social enterprise and 50% of profits fund access to education so disadvantaged kids get also the chance to reach their full potential.
Did you know that humans have been drinking tea for thousands of years? For centuries it has been drunk for its therapeutic benefits, originating in China, then spread to Japan and the rest is just history and even though it may not be as eye-catching as your creamy golden latte, tea’s popularity isn’t just due to its pleasant taste and warm sensation either as nothing can beat the quiet calm of a traditional cup of good quality tea.
Stressful day at work? Bad day? Near-death experience? So snuggle up, get the kettle going. Fill up your fave cuppa and read these eight reasons why you should drink more tea.
There’s a perception that tea-drinkers are creative, smart, and innovative, so when you enjoy a cup of tea you subconsciously embody those characteristics…. this is one of the main reason why we love The Good Good Stress Buster Super Blend, is formulated with eight organic herbs that possess natural therapeutic properties. Drinking this tea will help to reduce stress, calm the nerves, and balance your mind and spirit. They are also crafted with a blend of five adaptogenic herbs revered for their stress-busting, mood-lifting properties and shown to be effective at reducing cortisol levels. Have I also mentioned that they are caffeine-free,
non-GMO, preservatives free, artificial colours and flavours free, as well as sweeteners free?

Drinking tea after those long and large meals will take away that feeling of bloating and feeling full plus it aid in digesting food, helps to relieve constipation, and will leave you with a better feeling sensation. The Lemongrass and Ginger is doing wonders.
Good quality teas usually are rich in antioxidants and some of them might contain vitamin C that helps to keep the skin firm and glowing from the inside-out.
Being a regular tea lover can help you to lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, it can also help to boost memory and increase attention span. The delicious Brain Focus Super Blend made with rosemary, ginger, cinnamon, parsley, paw-paw leaf, turmeric, flaxseed, and sencha green tea is a good option to consider if you don’t want to go for a caffeine crash during the afternoon but you still need to show up and stay present in your next meeting.

It’s not a surprise that coffee promotes dehydration by acting as a diuretic ally and causing the body to lose more fluids, however, drinking tea is just as hydrating as if you were drinking water so if you are like me and drinking water is non an easy task for you, you should consider swapping your daily dose of hydration to our beloved teas.
We are in for everything related to gut health, which doesn’t mean just fiber and probiotic boosts, as studies show tea can have great results on overall health effects like weight loss, reducing carbohydrate absorption, and improving blood sugar levels, The Good Good Immune Booster blend is packed with licorice, ginger, linseed, cinnamon, and orange peel just to mention a few it also possess natural therapeutic properties that will help you to have a happy gut and better health.

Losing sleep? Chamomile is another kind of tea that is very used in natural medicine to help to induce better sleep. Studies show its calming effect may decrease anxiety, depression, and significantly improve sleep quality. We recommend choosing an organic and preservatives free chamomile blend so you make sure that you get all the good stuff from the plant.
Some studies suggest that drinking your cup of green tea can help to increase fat burning as well as fighting anxiety. The reason why? Green tea contains (naturally) caffeine which helps to boost your energy levels meaning more activity to impact positively when your metabolism is doing its part of burning fat.
OK, now that you are craving a warm mug of tea, go to The Good Good website and enjoy a special $10 OFF from $40 order!!
Use the CODE: CAVIARVIP and be your best self at work.