The allure of high-end fashion is undeniable. In the luxury handbag market alone, the Chanel classic flap handbag and the Hermès Birkin start at $15,000. Projections indicate that the global market is set to exceed a valuation of $53 billion by 2031.

However, if you’re a new buyer contemplating your first-ever designer purchase, entering the world of luxury and designer fashion can be overwhelming. In this article, we will provide four invaluable tips to navigate this exciting journey wisely and confidently.


Try Secondhand Fashion

The price tags can be intimidating for designer fashion newbies. However, a savvy way to dip your toes into luxury without breaking the bank is to consider buying secondhand. As highlighted in our previous article, platforms like the Melbourne-born marketplace AirRobe have made it easier than ever to find pre-loved designer pieces at more affordable prices. Here, you can explore a range of brands, such as Celine and Zimmermann, without the hefty initial investment.

This approach allows you to discover your preferred style and designer labels. Additionally, using this platform helps you become more cost-conscious and sustainable as clothes used for an extra six months reduce waste footprints by 13-20%.


Start Small

Your first designer purchase doesn’t have to be a major splurge — you can start small with accessories and still make a stylish impact. One fantastic entry point into the world of designer fashion is through designer sunglasses.

Renowned luxury brands offer an excellent range of sunglasses that blend style with quality, ensuring a solid accessory that you can use to scale up your looks for years to come. Consider how the gold accents of Versace sunglasses, like the Medusa Stud Icon, elevate your everyday style effortlessly. These frames feature the iconic Medusa head detailing to add a touch of opulence to any outfit. As versatile accessories that can be worn year-round, sunglasses can be the perfect practical choice for your first designer purchase.

Choose Classic Over Trendy

In the ever-evolving fashion world, trends come and go. That’s why it’s better to opt for classic pieces as a newbie to designer fashion. This tip aligns with the “quiet luxury” concept highlighted in Vogue and exemplified in Gigi Hadid’s latest look. The model used a pair of gold-rimmed sunglasses, gold jewellery, an Emi Jay hair clip, and a Loro Piana L19 clutch to elevate her white oversized button-up shirt.

When selecting your first designer item, look for similarly versatile and enduring options. A well-tailored blazer from a respected brand like Ralph Lauren, a Saint Laurent black or beige handbag or a classic Burberry trench coat, as worn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Casablanca, are excellent choices that will remain in style for years.

Store well

Once you’ve made your first designer purchase, taking care of your investment is crucial. Keep your designer clothing in garment bags or protective covers to shield them from dust and light. Furthermore, use padded hangers for delicate garments like silk dresses or cashmere sweaters.

Otherwise, store shoes and handbags in dust bags to maintain shape and protect them from scuffs. By storing your designer items correctly, you’ll extend their lifespan and preserve their value.

With these tips, you can make informed decisions that enhance your style and protect your investments in luxury fashion. Enjoy your forays into the world of designer items, and may your fashion journey be both rewarding and stylish.

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