November begins in full force with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 8th of this month. This powerful astrological event occurs during the phase of the Moon aimed at reaping the fruits of past efforts. However, the eclipse makes this phase fraught with mystery.

Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac, representing the material and emotional stability allowing our desires to be fulfilled. During the eclipse, what we consider safe and stable is threatened, which is not necessarily bad. Our ego is afraid of change, but it is the only way for our soul to evolve! Embrace this shifting environment to let go of experiences and relationships that no longer serve our inner purpose.

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On November 15, Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing a more cheerful and optimistic environment after this intense eclipse. All problems have a meaning, and every cloud has a silver lining! Your relationships will become more adventurous and straightforward, centered on the present.

On November 22, the Sagittarius season begins with the Sun entering this zodiac sign. The mood energy becomes spontaneous and expansive, directed at the big picture rather than preoccupied with trivial details. The future is bright and brimming with possibilities! Stop wasting time holding on to situations just out of habit and get into the spirit of creating a new life. Next, please find the November astrological forecast for each zodiac sign.

Horoscope For November 2022


March. 21-April. 19

This month’s Lunar Eclipse sheds light on your Money House, Aries, creating an aura of uncertainty in your financial stability. But before you panic, the planetary arrangement wants you to stop depending on external validation to have an independent work life and rely more on your inner resources and talents. This is an opportunity to work on your self-esteem and recognize that your worth is much more than the amount of money in your bank account.


April. 20-May. 20

The Lunar Eclipse falls in your zodiac sign, challenging your own sense of identity. This can be a powerful catalyst urging you to shed your old skin and be proud of your true self. It takes gut to show the world who you really are, so don’t be surprised to find yourself feeling insecure at times. Ground yourself in your inner core, and reach out to your family and friends when necessary.


May. 21-June. 21

November’s planetary movements focus on the most spiritual zone of your natal chart, especially if you’ve been neglecting this area of your life lately. Your decisions and actions affect not only you but all sentient beings in the Universe. This realization could encourage you to change some harmful habits, propelling you directly to your spiritual awakening. Remember, Gemini: we all come from the same source.


June. 22-July. 22

Your intimate relationships are very meaningful to you, Cancer, so it won’t come as good news to learn that a friend has betrayed you. But before jumping to conclusions, make sure you have all the facts and check what you have done to encourage this situation. Don’t forget that our relationships mirror our blind spots. 


July. 23-Aug. 22

November’s planetary aspects impact your career zone, prompting you to ask yourself, what things are you willing to do to achieve success? If you were offered the opportunity to cut corners and skip a few steps, would you take it? Think about what kind of person you want to be in the future, Leo. Don’t let your insecurities and impatience divert you from the path of your heart.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

November’s planetary aspects will make you believe in karma, Virgo. If you lied in the past to get ahead, you’re likely to suffer the consequences now. It’s uncomfortable to come clean after you’ve portrayed a different image, but it’s better to admit being wrong than to keep lying.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You are usually very balanced and gentle, but this Lunar Eclipse might strike you harder than expected. You’ve been forced to dive into your dark side and deal with your most profound emotions, which is not a pleasant experience for someone who wants to focus on the pretty side of life. But this could be incredibly healing and transformative, Libra! Live this emotional episode to the fullest and let it change your outlook on life.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your love life is going through a deep transformation, probably related to some secret that has unexpectedly come to light. The dark side tempts you to react negatively to these circumstances, but you know you are better than this, Scorpio. Handle things carefully and ask your spiritual masters to guide you through any difficult decision. Your actions could have lasting consequences.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Your cheerful and adventurous spirit could lead you to neglect your health, Sagittarius. Having a routine could be challenging for someone who lives in the present, but embracing a few healthy habits won’t kill you! You need enough energy and vitality to keep exploring all the wonderful things this world has to offer.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are a person of habit, Capricorn, but this doesn’t mean a change in your life can’t be welcomed! The planetary aspects urge you to embrace a new hobby, job, or lifestyle! Expect to feel excited about changing your routine and adding new skills to your repertoire. Just keep using your common sense and avoid making impulsive decisions. You don’t need to take unnecessary chances to have a more joyful life.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Do you feel like changing address, Aquarius? This month’s planetary arrangement highlights your dwelling zone and urges you to embrace a significant transformation. Changing scenarios could help you see your past from a different perspective. Take this opportunity to talk with your relatives and move on from your emotional traumas. Open your mind to other versions of the same story, Aquarius.


Feb. 19-March 20

Your intuition is one of your best assets, Pisces. If you are focusing too much on facts and logic, take a step back and ask your spiritual self how it feels. Rely on your inner compass and make sure your heart and mind are connected when communicating with the ones around you. Other people might take offence at what you say, but you can be at peace knowing that you are acting in accordance with your higher self.

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