Getting a tattoo is a wonderful way of expressing yourself. Just like your fashion choices, accessories and hairstyles – tattoos can say something about who you are, what you believe in, and what it is that keeps you going.
But truth be told, for many of us, conclusions we might have drawn 10 years ago from our 20-something brains, which to us seemed ‘absolute truth’ – now sound “downright ridiculous” to our now grown-up minds. Over the years, our perceptions, ideas, and belief systems shift and evolve, oftentimes giving way to a completely new direction in our lives and, sadly, possibly leading to some regrets along the way…
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Thankfully, some regrets can be undone. As such, it’s not very surprising to know that of the 3 in 10 (almost 31%) Australians who have tattoos end up regretting the decision later on and are considering removal. And these numbers are rising with each passing year. The rise of this trend can be linked with to the ever-increasing rise in the number of people getting tattooed nowadays. Australia stands at the number two position in the world, on the list of countries with the most number of tattooed individuals, with New Zealand topping the list. Of course, more tattoos equal more “tattoo regret”; therefore, the rise of tattoo removal is also on the increase.

Reasons To Get Your Tattoo Removed
There are many varied reasons one may decide to have a tattoo removed – both social and personal factors can play a part, right through to the tattoo simply not aging well or not being well thought out initially. Sometimes people choose to get rid of their tattoos because they feel it no longer reflect on where a person’s at in their life or, quite commonly, for professional reasons as well.
Tattoos of certain nature (nudity-based designs or designs with an offensive or racist connotation) can become really problematic as you try to procure employment. A 2017 UK-based survey revealed that more than 70% of business owners showed reluctance towards hiring applicants with tattoos. Also, sometimes people decide to remove their old tattoos in order to make room for newer, more aesthetically appealing ones. Rather than removing it entirely, a tattoo removalist can easily fade a tattoo to the point where it can then be easily covered up with a new one, lessoning the amount of sessions required.
Things To Consider When Deciding To Get A Tattoo Removed
- It’s Time Consuming – Tattoo removal is an investment and most of all, a commitment. It’s important to remember that it can take months (sometimes even years for larger designs) to get your tattoo removed completely. Obviously, this is dependent on several factors, including the size of the tattoo, the age of the tattoo and the type of ink used when the tattoo was made. Even with the most advanced technology like Q-switched lasers, it can take up to 6 sittings to remove a smaller tattoo. Ideally, each sitting should be at least 2-3 months apart. Your provider will discuss how many sessions you will require in your initial consultation, which most offer for free.
- It Can Be Expensive – Again, the cost varies depending on the size, colour, and age of the tattoo but on average, a single session could cost anywhere from $50-$100 for a small area. However, almost all tattoo removal practitioners will offer package deals to help reduce the cost and some even offer discounts for larger areas or returning customers. The bonus is that having paid upfront, hopefully the incentive to continue with the sessions is amplified.
- It Can Be Painful – While this is completely individualised, tattoo removal has definitely garnered a reputation for being painful – at least for some. Whilst there is a possibility of experiencing some discomfort during the treatment, this can be minimised and easily addressed by the application of topical numbing cream or ice applied to the area prior to treatment. With a proficient provider who will have undertaken a tattoo removal course, the treatment is very fast, with most people reporting they expected it to be a lot worse! Afterwards, the area might feel hot, a little like a sunburn, but your specialist will guide you through the aftercare process.

The Most Popular Method for Tattoo Removal
Tattoo removal lasers such as Q switched laser tattoo removal devices are considered to be the safest, quickest, and the most effective removal methods currently available on the market. Using the most advanced and sophisticated technology, devices such as the TRI BEAM™ utilise the latest technology to not only remove tattoos but are also capable of offering a wide range of skin and beauty solutions owing to its powerful multi-treatment mechanism. Besides tattoo removal procedures, the TRI BEAM™ is also used for popular treatments like carbon facials (known as the “China Doll Facial”), acne and pigmentation treatment, pore reduction, collagen & cellular rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, and skin tightening.
How Tattoo removal works
Q-switched lasers technology works by treating the concerned area with an intense pulse of energy for a very brief period of time (we are talking nanoseconds here). Because of the high intensity of the energy, the tattoo ink starts fragmenting into smaller pieces, but since the duration of exposure is so brief, no damage is caused to the surrounding skin tissue. With each laser tattoo removal session, the shattered ink gets eliminated and then processed by the body’s natural immune responses, ultimately being flushed out via the lymphatic system.
Final Word
If you too want to get rid of a tattoo, life’s too short for regrets – especially ones that can be reversed. Do your research, get in touch with a trustworthy professional and book a consultation. Rest assured, it’s a simple enough process, and you will be glad you finally went through with removing that unsightly tattoo that’s been bothering you for years.
Where can I have my tattoo removed?
Tattoo removal is now accessible in spas, salons, dermatology clinics, tattoo removal studios and even some tattoo parlors. To learn more about professional tattoo removal, Tribeam or to find a treatment specialist in your local area, contact beauty suppliers The Global Beauty Group on (03) 8555 2246.
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