Bloating is an issue for many of us – even if you are healthy and hit the gym at least four times a week, eat your five-a-day and make sure you drink six glasses of water per day, the tummy bloat isn’t going anywhere. That’s why we asked Rick Hay, The Superfoodist and expert Nutritionist on his thoughts on how to have a flat stomach.

We know how frustrating it can be when you’re trying so hard to make healthy choices but the belly area just doesn’t want to comply.
Let’s start with the causes – why can’t you get rid of your belly even though you work out religiously and make sure you eat plenty of vegetables?
how flat stomachflat stomach how tofoods for flatter stomach flat stomach foods
1. Sugar and Additives
You may think you are eating all the right foods but it’s time to re-think this. Always check the ingredient list first, if you can’t pronounce it, you might want to stay away. Also, if there are some ingredients you aren’t sure about, make sure they are further down the ingredients list.
Ingredients are listed in order of most-used first, so make sure the healthiest ones are highest on the list.
Alcohol may well be a culprit too, so stay away from anything in excess of a glass of red wine with dinner. These don’t just contribute to your stomach but to your overall health as well. You can easily connect weight gain with heart failure in any given scenario because both involve the same key factor – an unhealthy lifestyle. Eating too much sugar, processed foods, or going without exercise all contribute to putting your health at risk and should be avoided.
2. Pulses and Fruits
If you are considering yourself a health conscious consumer or are on a plant based diet check your fruit, vegetables and pulses intake. Yes, these foods are indeed healthy, but if you are eating too much of them your belly might react with a bloat.
Although fibre is healthy, having a plate full of Brussel sprouts, lentils and kidney beans could be bad news for your gut.
Increased amounts of fibre may lead to a compromised and over loaded digestive system, flatulence, cramping and bloating.

Food Allergies and Intolerances
People are often unaware of their food intolerances due to the signs being on such a slight scale. If you want to find out if you suffer from food intolerances, the elimination diet is a great way to start.
Begin by excluding the foods (dairy, wheat etc) you think might cause your bloated symptoms three weeks to one month.
Then reintroduce the foods to see if any of your symptoms return. Keep a 3diary to observe how you are reacting to the eliminated or reintroduced food.Now let’s talk about 4 things you can do tonight to wake up with a flatter stomach tomorrow:
3. Mineral Salt Baths
The healing properties of Epsom Salt was discovered centuries ago and bathing in it is known to reduce water retention and tummy bloating.
These may also help with stress and relaxation.
Stress impacts negatively on digestive function so if you can relieve it a happy side effect could be that you end up with a flatter tummy.Your skin is porous, taking mineral salt baths can draw out toxins and excess fluids as rich and essential minerals are soaked in. The result – smoother skin and a flatter stomach.

4. Digestive Enzymes
Digestive enzymes are substances produced by your body that help you digest and break down the foods you eat.
Without sufficient digestive enzymes, your body is unable to break down food properly, which can lead to digestive issues.
Take a digestive enzyme supplements with your lunch and dinner. It can help move the process of digestion along much more efficiently.
5. Exercise
Yes, you can literally walk the bloat away. Walking or light exercises can help stimulate the passage of gas through your digestive tract.
Gentle physical activity gets the bowels moving more regularly.
This helps release excess gas and and may help with regularity.
6. Probiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms promoting a healthy digestive tract and a healthy immune system. The so called friendly bacteria are thought to help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gut.
Taking probiotic supplements before a meal may regulate the colon bacteria and help detox your body.
Vegetarian digestive enzymes when taken with probiotics may also help to reduce excess bloating. You could alternate between the two if desired. More food that is fermented in small amounts to begin with can also help to improve digestive function and will result in a healthier microbiome.If making some of the above changes doesn’t work you may need to look at your hormones – there are many vitamin formulas and botanicals out there that can help.
Herbal teas that calm the system such as fennel and ginger might be worth a try too.
Going to see a naturopath or herbalist may fast track results.
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