Play is a necessary part of human life. It is the time when we can escape our worries and responsibilities and be kids again. Play for adults can take many forms, from playing with your children or grandchildren with those Lego blocks or LOL Surprise dolls from Target catalogue to playing sports or games to watching TV.
Play is essential for adults because it helps us maintain physical health, creativity, and social skills. Play also allows adults to get in touch with their inner child, which can help us feel less stressed and more joyful. Play also gives a sense of control and mastery over one’s life.
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Is play necessary for adults?
Play is frequently acknowledged for its positive effects on both physical and emotional health. We have heard that play improves mindfulness in children, but it also benefits adults and even older people, as does the physical activity that comes with playing actively. Playing supports wellness not only from the perspective of play therapy, which is used to treat behavioural disorders, but it also assists adults in coping with traumatic experiences during unstructured, free-chosen play, which benefits their emotional health and well-being.
After extensive investigation, led by Daphne Bavelier and C. Shawn Green at the University of Rochester, it was discovered that playing action video games, in particular—games that test our reflexes, reaction times, and hand-eye coordination, offer real cognitive benefits that benefit us in our daily lives. Action game players have better visual attention skills, which helps them read the small print on prescription bottles or legal documents. Additionally, they exhibit increased contrast sensitivity, which is vital when driving through dense fog. Moreover, gamers say it is easier to multitask while perusing a menu and conversing with a dining companion simultaneously. Wouldn’t that be handy at your next date?
Play and your well-being
Play is a powerful tool for improving well-being. Moving around at home with your significant other, pets, and kids can be much more beneficial than being overly serious at all times, as noted by Lawrence Robinson and colleagues. When we play, the excitement hormone dopamine is released.
You can experience joy, gratification, and motivation thanks to dopamine. There is an increase in dopamine in the brain when you feel good about what you have accomplished, like winning a game, scoring a goal, or skipping over a minute without fainting!

Playing at work
Even at work, playing with coworkers stimulates your imagination, improves your emotional well-being, increases creativity, and strengthens your problem-solving ability. Playing can be a time to interact with others ambiguously and creatively while managing work and commitments differently.
Play supports your career by allowing you to refuel, which is most useful when facing difficulties or challenges in a work project. When you play, the psychological barriers and difficulties that censor your thoughts and ideas are removed as you use your creative thinking skills. This may help you see work problems differently and consider original, innovative solutions. Additionally, playing as adults encourages creative appreciation, personality growth, and adaptive goal-achieving pathways.
It’s also important to understand that “play” doesn’t just refer to one particular physical activity; it can also refer to a mental state influenced by feelings and emotions, such as having fun and laughing. This can promote kindness, empathy, understanding, and trust for others. A playful disposition can help you unwind in situations you might otherwise find threatening.
Making new friends and establishing pleasant interactions with strangers can lead to new business opportunities and relationships. These are just a few advantages of playing as an adult.
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