These days, with all of us becoming more and more aware of our impact on the environment, people are beginning to turn away from big-name products and opt for environmentally-friendly beauty options.
Vegan beauty products, in particular, have gained a lot of traction over the past few years. Here are ten few reasons why we all should start using vegan beauty products every day.
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1. Fewer Chemicals
The first major benefit is that vegan products have far fewer chemicals in them, whether it be vegan lipsticks or hand creams; vegan products often don’t include any chemicals. You can compare this to eating processed food versus fresh food.
Considering your pores are able to suck in most of what you place on your skin, the last thing you want to do is cover your body with chemicals that can get into your bloodstream right?
2. Animal-Friendly
One of the biggest benefits of using vegan products is that they are animal-friendly. Most products, even if they claim to not test on animals, sometimes have one or two ingredients that were. For example, soap may not be tested on animals, but the fragrance it contains may have been if it came from a different company.
Vegan products simply aren’t tested on animals, and even if you were to use them on animals, there would no harmful side effects due the all-natural ingredients. This then extends beyond initial testing too.
The residue of these chemical-filled products can get into the water systems and soil, doing harm to the creatures that rely on them. If the vegan-friendly products are not harmful to animals, the residue caused by making and using them won’t be harmful either.
3. Little to No Drying Agents
Another big problem with commercial skincare products is something you may not even be aware of. Many of them contain drying agents, and these drying agents can make dry skin even drier and more agitated.
Considering vegan products do not contain these drying agents, they are generally better for your skin and better for those that suffer from dry skin.
4. Better for the Planet
There is a very common rule in the camping community not to wash with soap or shampoo in a river or lake. The chemicals in the products do harm to the creatures and critters that live in the water and drink from it.
Now think about all the people who use chemically-laden products in the bath, sink, and shower. That water often makes its way back into the environment, making the aforementioned damage so much worse.
5. Better for Your Health
As mentioned, non-vegan products can a wide range of chemicals and additives that may technically be safe to use, but that doesn’t mean they are safe for you. What is fine for one person is not necessarily fine for the next.
Some of these chemicals have been shown to cause rashes and outbreaks and even contribute to the development of skin cancer.
6. No “Unknown” Ingredients
Another big concern that many people have nowadays is the consumption of “unknown” chemicals and ingredients. While ingredients are listed on a label, there are often times when proprietary ingredient combinations are used.
Considering you don’t know what these ingredients could be, it is almost always better to avoid them completely. Vegan products don’t have this problem, as the ingredients list is short, with no hidden extras.
7. Better for Allergies & Problematic Skin
Many people have experienced the effects of using a new soap, face cream, or laundry detergent, and then breaking out in a rash or even hives. It is often very hard to tell how a product is going to affect our skin until after we use it.
Once again, vegan products don’t have this problem, as the ingredients are often fairly mild but still highly effective.
8. Sustainable Packaging
Vegan products are often packaged with sustainable packaging too. The amount of waste caused by old bottles, lipsticks, etc., is almost unimaginable. Waste sites are filled to the brim with empty skincare bottles, tubes, and boxes.
Vegan products almost always have very simple packaging, but packaging that you can recycle and not cause any negative effects on the environment.
9. Money-Savers
While this doesn’t apply to every vegan product, it is now becoming far more common for companies to produce products in packaging that can be reused. A company will allow you to bring back an empty cream container, and they will refill it for you for less than what a new one costs.
Because of this, you are not only doing your bit for the environment by not throwing away packaging, but you are also saving money.
10. Easier to Find
Finally, vegan products are becoming far easier to find nowadays. While it is arguable if this is a benefit or not, there was a stage where vegan products were much harder to find and, therefore, often quite expensive.
Nowadays, they are so much easier to find, and their prices have come down to the point of competing with almost every brand on the shelf.
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