Did you know that 75% of women will experience thrush at least once in their life?
The CF team has always taken wellness into accountability, for us, it’s the holistic picture that matters, being careful to understand not only our body but also our mind and what keeps them connected as a whole. We are aware that still in 2020 there are a lot of taboos that need to be brought up to the table, so this time the CF team has talked with Tia Miers, a qualified Naturopath (BHSc) and owner of “Whole Health Studio”. Tia specializes in women’s health and hormones and she is sharing with all of us her thoughts on what a healthy vagina is all about.
What Causes Thrush in Adult Women?
Thrush is a condition that impacts most women at some point in their lifetime, yet it is a topic that remains a bit ‘taboo’.
As a naturopath specialising in Women’s Health, Tia says that one of the most startling facts that most women share with her is that they have never spoken to a single person about their experience with thrush. Not a friend, not a partner, and not even their GP. Despite being such a prevalent condition, many women feel forced to suffer in silence.
Anyone who has experienced this condition knows how unpleasant it can be. From itching and irritation to discharge and odor, thrush is a condition that no woman should have to put up with. The first step to reducing the prevalence of this infection is to encourage open & honest conversations. We need to first understand what thrush is, learn about the factors that may have contributed to its occurrence, and importantly, gather accurate information on what you can do to treat it.
You don’t have to talk to everyone you meet about your bout of thrush, just find someone in your inner circle that you can trust and feel safe to speak openly with. Chances are the person you choose to speak to has also experienced thrush at some point in their life.
If you are particularly concerned about your symptoms or if you are experiencing recurring thrush, it is important to check in with a GP or health practitioner for a proper assessment. There is absolutely no reason to put this off, and nothing to feel ashamed about whatsoever.
For the lucky few who are yet to experience thrush and who may not know much about it; thrush is an opportunistic fungal infection in the vagina, normally involving a fungus called Candida albicans. When thrush symptoms are present, it means that there is an overgrowth of this (or another) natural fungus. So, in order to treat the condition, you need to restore balance in your microbiome.
What are the symptoms of thrush?
– White vaginal discharge
– Itching and irritation around the vagina
– Soreness and stinging during sex or when you pee
Luckily, there are brands in the vaginal health space who are opening up the conversation about this, through education and de-stigmatization. One such brand, Kolorex, is on a mission to provide consumers with a natural alternative to typical female health products. With a drive to reinvigorate the female intimate care space, Kolorex wants to empower women to confidently and unashamedly take control of their vaginal health.

The Kolorex female health products range includes Advanced Candida Care, a product that supports your body from the inside to fight against thrush. As well as the Advanced Candida Care, Kolorex has an intimate care cream which offers fast and effective support for those suffering from vaginal candida overgrowth. The added goodness of Vitamin E and Aloe Vera helps to soothe intimate areas when (and where) you need it most. The cream is dermatologically tested and is non-irritating, non-sensitizing, and suitable for those with sensitive skin.
In fact, we can’t agree more with Tia on the fact that it’s time to open up the conversation about thrush, without shame and stigma. We think you’ll be surprised by just how many people are, or have been, in the exact same position as you.
Photography: Patrick Van Der Elst