To say, 2020 was a big year is an understatement. It may have felt like life happened to you, rather than you had the year you set out for in regards to your well being. A fresh year brings a new opportunity for a clean slate, but many people are a little lost where to start. Well versed in this space through personal and professional experience, Well being Expert Fleur Marks has created her top 10 women’s health and wellness tips to designing 2021 to be your best year yet.

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As the owner of The Wellbeing Store, in Australia’s well being mecca, Byron Bay, Fleur Marks raises the question as to why many of us couldn’t wait to see 2020 out. Was it because of COVID-19 or was it because we are not living life by what matters most?

Shaped by her own learned experience, Fleur has learned all things well being and what it has meant to live life to the brim. “10 years ago, I was diagnosed with a non-curable disease and five years ago I had failed all treatment options. I was given the dreaded news that I would never get better. That I was here for a ‘good time, not a long time’. To get my affairs in order,” says Fleur.

“Knowing this, I made a conscious choice and commitment, to live life fully despite it all. I sharpened my vision of what it meant to live my best life and began a new year practice to take time to design the year I truly wanted, not knowing if I would even make it! I have fine-tuned the process over the years and by being disciplined with this process, not just at the beginning of the year but all year long, have been able to live my best life every day,” explains Fleur. well being definition well being well being

Here, Well being Expert Fleur Marks shares her top 10 wellness tips to make 2021 your best year yet:

1 – It’s your choice to live a life in sync with your well being

“It’s a daily choice. You have a choice, today, starting now, to make every day from here on your best one yet. Only YOU can choose where you spend your time and energy. Yes, it takes discipline, and you need to learn how to prioritise what matters by saying no to the urgent. I promise you once you choose to focus on what truly matters to you, the rest will take care of itself,” says Fleur.

If you check out this dentist in Greenbelt now, they’ll also tell you that regular medical checkups are very important. However, if this hasn’t been a part of your routine in the past, you can start with the small healthy habits first and move your way up from there. Do not pressure yourself.

2 Make time to reflect

Fleur says “Dedicate some time to reflect and plan your year within the first three weeks of the year ideally. Choose a place that inspires you to write your plan. Free from distraction. Choose a time when you are at your most energised and have a clear mind. Put aside at least 2-3 hours to shape your plan. Then set a time in your diary every month to plan and reflect on how you are progressing against your 2021 plan.”

3 – Celebrate and let go of 2020

Fleur encourages us to remember to first reflect on the year that has been. “Consciously acknowledge what you have achieved, what you have learned, and what you need to let go of, and what you want to keep doing so you can fully embrace 2021. Then move forward into planning the new year,” she says.

4 – Create a vision in alignment with your well being desires

“Visualise how you would like your life to be in the next 12 months,” says Fleur. “Allow yourself not to be limited by things like money, skills, or time. Put aside these limitations and ask yourself: If I was to truly have my best year yet, what would that look like? Be bold. Be brave. Give yourself permission to design a vision that you truly want,” she added.

5 Intentions vs outcomes

Fleur urges us to think about our year ahead from a place of intention rather than outcomes. Consider how you want to feel vs what you want to do. How do you want to be? Determine what success feels and looks like for you – anchored in what matters most to you. Be conscious of what sits underneath your outcomes by understanding why they matter to you.

6 – Theme your year

“Choose a word or a theme for your year that represents what you want to bring into your life. Use this theme as your true north to guide you through your year no matter what happens. Then think about how you can embody this theme in your daily life through actions, behaviours, or habits to honour it. For example, use your theme or word as your computer password to keep it top of mind daily,” suggests Fleur.

7 Less is more when talking well being

Fleur suggests that we be realistic about what you truly want to focus on. Be disciplined about picking 1-3 goals for the year. No more. If there is a shopping list of things to accomplish, it can feel overwhelming. Your goals need to be big, attainable yet challenging and anchored in what matters most. Ask yourself, if I did nothing else this year other than achieve these goals, would I be fulfilled?

8 – Eyes wide open

“Figure out what obstacles could get in the way of you achieving your goals/vision. Be honest with yourself. Reflect on why these obstacles come up and what limiting beliefs you may need to overcome. Once you have identified your obstacles, determine what actions/solutions you could take to overcome these obstacles,” said Fleur.

9 – Set yourself up for success

Fleur says “Break your goals and plan down into achievable milestones. Map the plan out over the next 12 months. Determine what daily habits you need to introduce to create the building blocks of your plan. Don’t forget to share your plan with others and ask for their support. Determine if you need someone to help you stay accountable to your plan. In essence, determine what daily, weekly and monthly practices you need to do to keep you focused on your plan, so it stays alive and not forgotten as life happens.”

10 – Celebrate along the way

To stay motivated and on track, remember to celebrate your achievements along the way. When writing your 2021 plan/goals, make sure you identify the rewards as you progress that’s an oftentimes forgotten act of our well being routine. Celebrate the big or small wins along the way.


Kimberley Wenya (

wellness, wellness)


How do you define well being?

Is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy within ourselves.

What are the pillars of wellbeing?

1. Physical wellbeing.
2. Mental wellbeing.
3. Financial wellbeing.
4. Social wellbeing.

Why is wellbeing important?

The way you feel, both physically and mentally, is the essence of living. We owe it to ourselves to live our lives to the fullest while we have the chance.

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