May begins with full force as Pluto, the planet of emotional transformation and spiritual rebirth, goes retrograde on May 1st. 

On a more superficial level, Pluto is associated with obsession, control and compulsion, making this a perfect time to free ourselves from our emotional attachments. It’s also a good time to get rid of harmful habits and negative people who are holding you back from realising your true potential.

This will set the stage for the full moon eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, a powerful event that brings a mysterious and eerie energy to our lives. Expect to feel drawn to all that is hidden and obscure, making this a perfect time to uncover the truth and let go of that which no longer serves your authentic self.

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This transformative experience can be overwhelming, but fortunately, Venus enters Cancer on May 7th, bringing a nurturing and compassionate vibe to help us move through this time with confidence.

After this spiritual rebirth, we’ll slowly emerge from the darkness and move toward life and light with Jupiter entering Taurus on May 16th and the New Moon in the same sign on May 19th.

The cosmos invites you to enjoy the simple things in life, such as spending time in nature or sharing a meal with your loved ones. As you dig deeper into your inner self and heal from old wounds, you’ll realize the many blessings that already surround your life.

Below you can find the astrological May predictions for each zodiac sign.

Horoscope For May 2023


March 21-April 19

You’re focused on increasing your income this month, Aries, but make sure you don’t start a new business without taking care of any outstanding debts. Get a proper closure and make sure you don’t owe anything to anyone, materially or emotionally, so you can start a new chapter with full power. Believe in your talents and work on your self-esteem to do something you are truly passionate about.


April 20-May 20

The key to taking advantage of this month’s astrological transit is to let go of the past and focus on creating a life that is worthy of your renewed self. It’s a great time to work on self-development, as long as you do so with compassion and understanding. This could make you aware of how stubborn or controlling you’ve been in your relationships, which presents a unique opportunity to make a profound change.


May 21-June 21

The lunar eclipse focuses your attention on your overall well-being, making you realise that you won’t be able to realise your creative ideas if you don’t take care of yourself. It’s an excellent time to get rid of bad habits and improve your daily routine. Go to bed earlier, drink more water, and add more vegetables to your diet! You’ll see your overall vitality change dramatically.


June 22-July 22

You are re-evaluating your long-term goals and whether the people in your life are truly supporting your evolution. It’s a good time to expand your social circle and meet like-minded people with whom you can create new projects and think about how you can make a positive impact on the world. You may attract people outside your comfort zone, but this is all because you are evolving, Cancer! Open your mind and heart to them.


July 23-Aug. 22

The universe is bringing you all kinds of opportunities to advance in your career, Leo. You are being recognised for your hard work and creative efforts, so expect to attend many social events and receive many awards. The lunar eclipse may stir up the waters in your family life, so be sure to handle these matters with objectivity so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your adventurous zone is in the spotlight this week, making you eager to expand your horizons through new knowledge, travel and experiences. It’s a good month to step out of your comfort zone and open your mind to other ways of looking at life. Meeting people from other cultures could help you achieve this goal. Make the most of this adventure!


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

This month’s transit aims to help you improve your financial situation by inspiring you to set your long-term goals. Once you know where you want to go in the future, you’ll be able to make the necessary changes and manage your resources in a more positive way. The clearer and more focused you are, the more abundance you’ll attract into your life.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your relationships will be in the spotlight this week, especially long-term ones. Is your significant other helping you to be your best self or holding you back? If you don’t feel like you can be yourself around them, it may be a good time to make a positive change. If the person you are with inspires you to go after your dreams, then this could be a good time to take things to the next level.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This month’s astrological setting encourages you to look at your daily routine and habits and see how you can align them with your spiritual goals. If you want to connect more deeply with your inner self, you need to practice daily meditation, go to bed earlier, and eat more nutritiously. The physical and emotional realms are intimately connected, so take care of the most mundane aspects of your reality to reach more subtle realms of existence.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The cosmos is inviting you to let go of your overly serious attitude and embrace a more spontaneous approach to life. Your creativity is at its peak, inspiring you to try new hobbies and activities to explore your hidden skills. The key to making the most of these opportunities is to let go of your preconceptions and allow yourself to try new and exciting things.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

There may be important changes in your professional life this month that offers a unique opportunity to unleash your untapped resources and skills. Sometimes it takes a sudden surprise to finally realise your true potential. Have faith in your ability to overcome your obstacles, and trust that these experiences will help you grow in unexpected ways.


Feb. 19-March 20

You are sometimes withdrawn and shy, Pisces, but this month the cosmos helps you work on your self-expression and expand your social circle. It’s an excellent time to reach out to your community and engage in group activities aimed at making the world a better place. Connecting with like-minded people could make you realize that your quirkiness is what makes you special.

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